An Instagram account which documents life in Newtown shared a video recorded by Insta user fontinator of the suburb’s Chemist Warehouse while it was shut.The situation unfolded when fontinator and friends were passing the store after hours and noticed several huge rats running wild so they stopped to film. They can be heard laughing in the background, explaining how they saw the rats and saying, “That is so f***ed.”At one point, when a rat runs by the front doors carrying something yellow in its mouth, the person filming exclaims: “Oh, he’s got cheese.” A spokesperson for Chemist Warehouse told “the video of live rats in the aisle of Chemist Warehouse store in Sydney is a significant pest control issue at the store which Chemist Warehouse has moved immediately to address and eradicate.“Any stock in the store which was in any way exposed to contamination from the unwelcome pests will be removed and replaced.“We are able to assure customers that no medicine storage areas in the pharmacy dispensary were exposed to rat contamination, but we will be rigorous in ensuring no risk whatsoever to any customer purchasing any product from the store – if there is any doubt about contamination, the stock will be removed and destroyed.”The spokesperson goes on to explain that the exterminators have been called and the recent terrible weather in Sydney magnified the pest problem.One person pointed out that there are finally RATs back in the pharmacies.
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